Who We Are


Nordic insulation has been keeping metro-area homes comfortable for more than 4 decades. In the past 40 years, the Nordic team has worked hard to build a reputation for quality work that surpasses all competition.

We provide our crews with hourly wages versus paying them by the foot or piece. We believe in taking pride in our work, and we believe when you pay by the foot or piece, Quality is not as good, as you are encouraging speed over workmanship. when our crews are in the field installing, our goal is zero callbacks.

Providing expertise For New residential and commercial insulation applications and a full range of products, including fiberglass insulation, sprayed polyurethane foam, and foundation waterproofing. Nordic Insulation is able to to tackle any job with the same dedication to service.

Throughout the years, Nordic insulation has continued to prove its dedication to providing area builders, and re-modelers with the latest products and services to keep their customers happy in the most comfortable homes possible.

While sprayed polyurethane foam has been making headway as the go to insulation of choice for many contractors. Nordic insulation has been using the product for more than 40 years, ever since the company started offering the product as below-grade insulation to meet code requirements.

Today, after decades of use and improving techniques, Nordic Insulation had positioned itself as an expert in the product and its installation, which continues to see added growth for its benefits in adaptability and mold resistance.

"Extreme Makeover" Highlights quality

we are one of the oldest polyurethane foam applicators in the metro area. Nordic Insulation's dedication to community and its reputation for quality work that meets builders' and re modelers' high expectations' can be seen in Nordic insulation's participation in two episodes of "extreme Makeover. Home Edition."

Nordic insulation first participated in the program on 2007 when it insulated a new home for a minnetonka family. The company was called back 65 episodes later in 2009 when Ty Pennington and his crew decided to help a St. Paul Family in season 7. the rapid pace wasn't anything new for Nordic's crews, who are frequently called to do jobs because of the quality for which Nordic Insulation is known.

With 20 service trucks and as many as 50 experienced employees in the field during peak season, Nordic insulation strives to meet the needs of all builders,  and re-modelers.

to find out more about how nordic insulation can provide top-notch comfort to any home, contact a member of its highly qualified sales team.